

A Personal Note from Dan Zwicker

Insights into the distribution problem and the solution:

I am attaching 2 items which I would appreciate you reading when you can.

The first is a BIo posted on Weigh House Investor Services Inc.'s website. In particular, the summary in the column at the right says it best.

The 2nd is a blog that I use to describe the the problem and the solution (note the date). The problem is that 14,000,000 Canadian boomers are involved - 1 out of 2 Canadians. Their successful retirement will have an extraordinary impact on every business and service they use.

Finally, last year the difficulty in moving the issue of boomer real time access to those financial services professional practitioners who provide unbiased advice forward became clear when I met Warren MacKenzie of Weigh House.

The industry is caught in a distribution paradigm that places every advisor in a conflict of interest position each time a product solution is proposed. Thus, there is no easy case to be made for real time access to the existing distribution paradigm. There are simply not enough advisors available who offer independent, unbiased advice free of financial 'prescriptions'.

My conclusion was simple. The trusted financial advisor of choice is the Chartered Accountant the individual uses and trusts. Therefore, our focus is a collaborative relationship with the CA community to serve the best interests of the boomer demographic.

I felt that it is important that the context of my interest in this subject over the past year be laid out - hence this note..

All the best!


For further details on the problem and a solution please visit:

C:\Documents and Settings\HP_Administrator\Desktop\Weigh House Investor Services Bio.mht

C:\Documents and Settings\HP_Administrator\Desktop\BEYOND RISK. blogspot.com.mht

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