

A year ago, having been semi retired for 2 years the imbalance between the 90,000,000 retiring boomers in Canada and the US and the supply (less than 12,000 in Canada) of professionally designated financial planning retirement advisors in both lifetime capital and income preservation and asset growth captured my attention.

Given the seismic financial impact of the 2008 financial meltdown on retirement planning for the boomers and others I decided to develop a solution based upon a real time digitally innovative advisor access alternative to solve the demanding retirement needs of the boomers in a sector whose growth opportunities can benefit from the breadth and depth of my knowledge and experience.

The disciplined foundation for my consulting practice derives from my formal education and corporate responsibilities in structural engineering within the structural steel industry and my corporate and entrepreneurial initiatives in the financial services including my insurance industry manpower development leadership roles.

My financial services industry experience includes innovative distribution marketing leadership, training, education, knowledge, skill, experience and successful execution in new business sales development and agency manpower productivity exponential growth.

Raising the bar through professional practice is my operating discipline.

My objective is to apply my formal education, training, professional discipline and experience through the transferability of my skills in client engagement, solutions analysis, sales growth, collaborative team building and manpower productivity development within a professional practice environment.

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