

Daniel H. Zwicker, Principal
B.Sc. (Hons.) P.Eng. CFP CLU CH.F.C. CFSB
Certified Financial Planner
Chartered Life Underwriter
Chartered Financial Consultant
Chartered Financial Services Broker
Professional Engineers Ontario

Bus: 416-726-2427
Email:   dan@firstfinancialconsultinggroup.com

Linkedin:  http://www.linkedin.com/in/danzwicker

First Financial Consulting Group, Blog: http://www.dan-zwicker.blogspot.com/

Daniel H. Zwicker CFP, Blog: http://www.dzwicker.blogspot.com/
Beyond Risk, Blog: http://www.beyondrisk.blogspot.com

Website: http://www.firstfinancialconsultinggroup.com/

first financial consulting group
4261 Highway Seven
Suite 238
Markham, Ontario L3R 9W6

Chartered Financial Consultant
Capital Risk Management
Lifetime Sustainable Income
Strategic Wealth Management

Specialists in Advanced Life Insurance Applications and
Lifetime Sustainable Retirement Planning Solutions

New clients accepted by referral only

Financial Practitioner Designations

CH.F.C - Chartered Financial Consultant

A Chartered Financial Consultant is a financial advisor with comprehensive advanced knowledge in wealth accumulation and retirement planning. An advisor with a CH.F.C. is an expert in retirement planning and capital accumulation strategies.

CFP - Certified Financial Planner

The Certified Financial Planner designation is an internationally recognized standard for financial planning. It is granted by the Financial Planners Standards Council (FPSC). An advisor with a CFP may help you with personal financial planning and offer advice on investment products and strategies.

CLU - Chartered Life Underwriter

For more than 80 years, the CLU designation has been widely recognized as a mark of excellence in the industry. The Chartered Life Underwriter is a professional financial advisor specializing in developing effective solutions for individuals, business owners and professionals in the areas of income replacement, risk management, estate planning, and wealth transfer.


http://www.advocis.ca/ (Advocis)
http://www.iafe.ca/ (The Institute for Advanced Financial Education)
http://www.cfp-ca.org/ (Financial Planners Standards Council)
http://www.ifbc.ca/ (Independent Financial Brokers of Canada)
http://www.peo.on.ca/ (Professional Engineers Ontario)

'Raising The Bar'

1 comment:

Samual said...

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