

It is a sad fact that more often than not we learn most effectively through the occurence of traumatic events.

I use effectively to mean simply that the object lesson is learned - permanently.

I am writing about this subject because of the field I am in and the tools we have available to mitigate the impact of trauma.

We have the potential to experience trauma in 3 key areas of our life, namely, matters related to finance, health and personal relationships.

In my professional work we confront death and morbidity (poor health).

The need for our financial solutions is close to 100% within the population at large.

The demand for our solutions is close to zero.

It is extraordinarily difficult to encourage a healthy vibrant individual to discuss the issue of premature death or unexpected ill health.......

               ...........until a traumatic event occurs.

At that moment we have an individual's undivided attention.

At that moment trauma instructs.

It is very old and sad fact

It speaks to the professional commitment and dedication of those individuals who confront the possibility of these circumstances prior to the occurence of a traumatic event on a daily basis in any of the classical professions and social services disciplines including the financial industry.

Dan Zwicker
Investor Consultant

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