

"Explosive ideas should be thought of as "viral' epidemics."

They reflect 'contagious behavior'.........little causes which have big effects.

In a real-time globally interconnected IT environment they represent the basis for explosive exponential market access.

Ideas, products, unusually complex services, messages and behaviors spread just like viruses do.............organically.

People become "infected".

Their organic nature is the source of their explosive impact.....

The changes happen at the margin; they are incremental changes........little changes that have big effects.........that happen in a hurry........with an exponential level of acceleration.......at one dramatic moment.

The name given to that one dramatic moment when everything can change all at once is "The Tipping Point".It is reflected in the "Aha!" behind every successful consumer discovery of a marketing message that resonates congruently with their deepest needs

malcolm gladwell
- The Tipping Point

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